Upgrading Cisco SG350 firmware over tftp

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For my ongoing IPv6 only network at home and to keep my systems up to date I upgraded the firmware of my Cisco SG350 switch. Best part is that it’s really easy over tftp. MacOS has a built in TFTP server which supercharges that task.

Download the the current firmware for your switch version from the Cisco website. Next switch to the terminal, load and start the tftp server. You need to be an administrator to do this:

Change directory to /private/tftpboot and copy the firmware .bin-File to that directory (using sudo). My filename is image_tesla_hybrid_2.5.0.82_release_cisco_signed.bin.

Log into the switch via ssh or serial connection. You can display the current running version by issuing show version in enabled mode. Mine printed the following:

Active-image: flash://system/images/image1.bin
  MD5 Digest: 5881484e04bcdcc17c32872445e3ab8d
  Date: 20-Aug-2017
  Time: 19:04:55
Inactive-image: flash://system/images/_image1.bin
  MD5 Digest: 5881484e04bcdcc17c32872445e3ab8d
  Date: 20-Aug-2017
  Time: 19:04:55

Daaamn. 2017. Shame on me. Now you can download the new firmware onto the switchs flash storage via tftp directly from your Mac/computer. Issue the following: boot system tftp:// Exchange the IP with yours and don’t forget to use the right filename. Mine transferred for round about three minutes. The transfer is completed when the message The copy operation was completed successfully is shown. Restart the switch with reload. Hopefully you saved your running config to your startup config.

After the firmware upgrade my switch took longer to boot (round about 2 minutes). If you do a show version again the new firmware should be shown as active image.

At the end shutdown the tftp server:

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